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Informing communities on Covid-19 vaccination (with BEMIS)

As part of the BEMIS objective to raise awareness regarding the Covid-19 vaccination programme in Scotland, Povestry developed a project aiming to share information about the vaccine within the Romanian speaking community. Reflecting on ways to address the hesitancy and uncertainties about the vaccine programme, we decided to make more information available not only in Romanian, but also in a more colloquial and accessible register. Povestry researched a variety of health and medical resources, and selected the most frequently asked questions around the vaccine which were then translated into a simple and straightforward document in Romanian. This document was shared on various social media platforms frequently accessed by the Romanian community and replicated through posters by other organisations.

Our content was replicated in short video form by the Govanhill Roma Youth Project, thus increasing awareness of the vaccine programme in Scotland across various minority groups. Overall, through our translation and collaboration with numerous Eastern European organisations in Scotland, we were able to address uncertainties and provide scientific evidence in an informative, accessible, and inclusive way.

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