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Migrant Voice Storytelling Events

Migrant Voice and Povestry are hosting a series of creative writing sessions where we will explore our heritage, journeys and identities through storytelling in all its forms. The sessions are open to anyone with the experience of migration: those who moved to Glasgow from elsewhere, those from Glasgow who have lived somewhere else, and those with ancestry in other parts of the world. The sessions are suitable for those who don’t speak English fluently and we can offer language support.

The four sessions will take place at Garnethill Multicultural Centre on Fridays, 27/01, 3/02, 10/02, 17/02, 5.15 - 7 pm. Places are limited so please book now: Thanks to the funds from Glasgow Winter Wellbeing Fund, the stories written by the group will be collected and published in a literary and artistic anthology.

Join us for our creative writing gatherings celebrating heritage, folklore, and our understanding of home in a diverse and multicultural Scotland. For the next 4 weeks, we will come together to explore our identities and journeys through storytelling in all its forms. Throughout our sessions, we will share our stories and the themes that speak most to our hearts, while exploring and shaping new ways of sharing our tales. Each meeting will begin with an open discussion, followed by our collective engagement with folklore and oral storytelling from all the places we call home. We will bring these sources of inspiration together with creative writing activities focusing on theme, narrative and poetic voice, symbols, and form. At the end of our sessions, those written stories you would like to share with the world will be collected and published in a literary and artistic anthology. We hope to see you there!

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